At a week old...
Well three years ago today that is, my daughter Ronni was born screaming and crying. Most people look at their kids and say "I can't believe they are already three years old"! Well I can, it feels like she's been here three years! :) But seriously time has flown by. So today is dedicated to her. We will start our morning by going to Dunkin and Donuts to get donuts and then head over to the mall to ride the carousel and then go to Toys'R'Us so she can spend her 25 dollar bills her grandmother sent her and finally on Saturday she'll have her big party! But it is interesting, when she was born I couldn't see actually being able to converse with her and take her to violin lessons, but that day is finally here and I am so happy. So here's to my Ronni B! Happy Birthday Baby!

Here's a more recent pic!
OMG...she is so flippin' cute.
Thanks so much!
She is absolutely adorable. I LOVE that smile.
Ahhhh Happy Birthday Baby Ronni B :)
She's BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL! A stunning future bride in the making :)
she is so beautiful. congrats!
sooooooooooo cute!
You have been tagged...don't worry this is a NEW embarrassing game I've made up....
She is so cute!!! Another year already. I remember you posting pictures last year (when you initially joined iWed). Enjoy your day with your princess.
You'll be tagged again... Since I know you'll be thinking of answers (smile).
GIRL....I'm tagging you, but it looks like you've already been tagged! Inquiring minds wanna know your most embarrassing favorite songs. : )
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