In March 2002, I got married and even on my shoestring budget I wanted to have something in the hotel rooms of my out of town guests to thank them for traveling so far when they arrived. So in each package I gave a Tallahassee city map and city guide, a weekend itinerary and a little package of homemade sugar cookies baked by little ole' me. Now, I know that was not very fancy, but it was a nice touch that was appreciated by those guests the entire wedding weekend. Of course, I didn't think to take a picture of it!
I am a big stickler for staying on budget, but if you had a little wiggle room, I think it would be courteous to deliver your out of town guests a few items to make them feel more comfortable in an unfamiliar city. Your local Chamber of Commerce is an excellent resource for providing items related to the city you are having your nuptials. Often times these items are very reasonably priced or even free, which is great for you guys on a tight budget.
Now, for those of you who have designated money into your budgets for these gifts, there are companies that specialize in preparing gift baskets for your wedding theme and budget. CarePkg, a gift package design company, customizes each welcome package based on your theme, color or budget. These ladies provide you with unique items for each basket designed. Each package is designed specifically for your event and is styled with trendy products and treats to make your guests ohh and ahhh.
So basically, there is help for those of you who don't have the time to bake your own special cookies or would just prefer someone else to gather all of the items to make your package unique. Having a special package for your guests as they check into their hotel rooms is an excellent way to say thank you for traveling to your wedding.
Image from afamous artist.
I love this idea and was actually already planning on doing it for my upcoming Sept. wedding. I can 't come up with anything to say in my welcome note though. Any ideas?
Amber, your note should thank them for coming all the way from out of town for your wedding day. If you would like to write a personal note to each person that would be nice but definitely not necessary. Considering you'll be writing thank you notes after your wedding. But depending on what you have included in your package you may want to give a description. That's if you have something obscure that you feel your guests would enjoy more if they had some background info on it. Don't over think it! Just write a nice note that comes from your heart. I hope that helps.
This idea simply rocks.
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